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Remember to include ticket prices and any limitations on seat availability, along with when the lobby and house open!

Edit Performance Date Radium Girls

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If this performance is paired with a certain production, please select it from the list above (otherwise it will not appear on the production page).
Date and Time *
Click in the date field to view a popup calendar. Click in the time field, then use the arrow keys to change the values. Empty 'End date' values will use the 'Start date' values.
E.g., 2024-04-18
E.g., 18:30
E.g., 2024-04-18
E.g., 18:30
Every weekday
Every Mon, Wed, Fri
Every Tue, Thu
Every weeks
Every years
After occurrences
E.g., 2024-04-18
E.g., 2024-04-18
E.g., 2024-04-18
Leave blank to use trimmed value of full text as the summary.

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This is the content type for storing SODA performances, to allow filtering on the calender.

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