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Add a Suggestion

The form below might appear a bit intense, but all that we absolutely need to submit a suggestion is the play title, author, your name, and your email address. Any other information that you can provide will certainly help us though.

An email address that you check, so that we may follow up with you if necessary
(ie: "I performed it while in high school at Walled Lake Northern" or even just "I saw part of it on TV")
Completely optional, but helpful for the executive board when determining the show.
Select which genres best apply to this performance
This does not guarantee you the position of director, it simply helps us build a pool to draw from should this play be chosen
The Fall season is dedicated to literary plays, the Spring season is more freestyle
The name of the author (and translator/adapter, if necessary)
To prevent automated spam submissions leave this field empty.

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Revision information
Provide an explanation of the changes you are making. This will help other authors understand your motivations.